For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be seved, a debt to be paid. A last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination."


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Be Bold

To me there is a difference between being content and being truly happy.  And it's not always black and white.  But as women, in the trenches with our little ones, it takes a little more intention to find our way down the right path.  What's most important? It's a question that no one can answer for us. It's also a question that some of our female leaders are attempting to tackle.

I have to admit that I jumped on the anti-Sheryl Sandberg bandwagon a while back when she was telling us all to "Lean In," while I was busy cleaning up pellet-form baby poop that had been thrown all over the room by one of my twin toddler boys before I got him out of the crib.

I hadn't read her book or really given much thought to what leaning in meant.  All I knew was that some days it seemed pretty difficult to shift my focus from trying to come out of the other side alive. And when I was able to focus on something other than survival, I wanted to be present in the moment with my four kids.  To find animal shapes in the clouds, to kiss sweet baby cheeks and toes, to run in the waves. Work wasn't as important as any of those things- it never would be.

Fast forward a few months.  Some of my girlfriends and I read Sheryl's book.  We haven't yet had a chance to talk about it, but I came away feeling...empowered.  For me it reminded me of something basic that we as mommies sometimes forget: what is it that is unique about who we are? How can we strive to live in the fullness of our whole selves?

The thing is that sometimes it's hard to shift our focus from survival or even just from contentment.  To continually ask ourselves- how can we grow? All of us have different ideas of where real happiness comes from, but have we checked in on that lately?

Beyond that, let's find a way to boost our confidence to step out boldly and continue our journey.  It's always a delicate balance.  Between running a small business and trying to compassionately and intelligently raise four children, the shit hits the fan (literally) a lot.  But I am happiest when I remember that I was given one life- it's my choice to take it any direction I choose.  In the end when it comes to happiness, "the doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock." Press on, my friends.  Choose to knock.

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